Move over Space Needle. See ya never Pike Place.  
The area just south is now vying for visitors. With a new brand identity, logo, and campaign, Seattle Southside is now proudly waving its curiously wonderful flag and luring tourists with the idea of limitless microadventures. The new brand proves that you don’t have to be a big famous tourist destination like New York or Las Vegas to create some buzz, turn some heads, and most importantly start getting people to say hey…we should go there.
Also this was done with our forever BFF Jake Lim!
Read more about it here:  ITS NICE THAT
We started with a bright new “S” logo. And then made it endlessly transform and morph, with each iteration nodding to a different actual microadventure in the area. ​​​​​​​
While most tourism destinations have one epic attraction to lure visitors, we leaned into the idea of endless microadventures. And each video was “micro” in its own weird unique micro way.  A content series made for Tik-Tok showed a guide to microadventures in a few microseconds.
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