We think the key to being successful in this business is being extremely, extremely prolific. 
Here's a very scrollable look at some of the other work we've done over the years. 
Topical Social and OOH for Taco Bell during Halloween. 
Read more about it here: Campaign, Ad Age, LBB
Where east meets west. 
Shot in location all around Japan, this is Sapporo's new brand campaign airing all over Summer 2024.
Shot with Victor Boccard 
Holiday campaign for Real Canadian Superstore
In 2015 the Canadian government passed Bill C-51. Touted as an anti-terrorism bill, when really it gave the government all out access to spy on Canadians. And honestly we both got into this business because we loved looking at Communication Arts and this was the first time we ever got published in it and we were so stoked. We bolted to Swipe bookstore and each bought like 5 copies it was amazing. 
Award: Communication Arts X3
A powerful word in Chinook that means: “Our lands and our place within them”.
This is a tourism campaign that's 2000 years overdue. A documentary series for Destination BC that explores the provinces incredible Indigenous peoples relationship with nature, and examines how to travel within it responsibly.
In 2022 with the rise of crypto, online betting and a million other things, the internet felt a little more sketchy than it used to. But behind the scenes GeoComply (a B2B digital security company) was working to make it all safe. But they needed a new brand. Created with Tim Hoffpauir we created a new brand identity for GeoComply that reflected the fact that when you're working to stay ahead of fraud, you're always a work in progress. ​​​​​​​
In an industry filled with clichéd perfect tomorrow's and serene someday's, Penn Mutual's bringing a funky forthright voice to the convoluted, stock-image world of life insurance.
This total rebrand had us take the brand apart and put it back together. Inspired by Penn Mutuals logo, we developed a system utilizing the brands squares as a visual device across print, collateral and in video.
A digital campaign for Norco to welcome new riders to the typically...bro-y, gate-keeping culture of mountain biking.
Who has time to research different insurance policies? Nobody. Maybe we could break it down. Way down. Like, GIF down. This content series done for AAA helped millennials understand the nuances of different home and auto insurance policies. 
In 2009, 58 political activists were massacred in Ampatuan, Philippines. Five years later there were zero convictions. On the five-year anniversary of the massacre, a vigil was planned in Manila. We brought that vigil to the world with an interactive wall, featuring the victims of the massacre. The wall faded and brightened as people tweeted the Filipino government, using the #AmpatuanMassacre.​​​​​​​
Awards: The Webby Awards: People's Choice | ADCC | Applied Arts Interactive
A common phrase in sports that implies the refs have missed an important call. A phrase that Raptors fans know all too well. This is a poster series that gives Raptors fans seeking fairness a symbol they can rally around. To use a symbol like this for your sports bar would say to people, we're fans too, we feel your pain, and we get it.
A branding project we did for the YWCA. Project Shift is an event series that works towards creating a safer online world for young women.
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